This was the coolest house project yet! We got/stole a bunch of free/trash pavers from a demolition sight down town Columbus. A friend of a friend said we could pick them up after working hours/after dark.... anyway they were really cool. They had writing on them and weigh like 5 pounds each. So 3 Durango loads later we had enough for a small pation on our bac yard. Months went by and finally Ben had no school for 3 weeks/1week. So he and our friend Kevin bagan shoveling 3 TONS of sand and gavel into the hole Ben had dug out for our patio. 3 TONS! That seemed like so much until they delivered it and it only made 2 little piles on our driveway. Good thing we only payed $100 for it. And notice the yellow wheelbarrow! We got the plastic yellow Stanley at Walmart for $25. The top broke off after two loads... cheap! Well Ben had some huge metal washers and fixed it. yea!
Anyway he pounded and filled like 800 times and finally after 2 gallons of fake Cristal Light lemon aid it was finally time for laying bricks.

It was so cool. I love our new patio. It looks kind of grubby and that's what we like about it. And Abbey even got to help a little. She was holding the wheelbarrow for Dad while he shoveled the rest of the sand on top of the patio. She is soooo strong for her age.

And thirsty. She drank a whole gallon of fake Cristal Light all by herslef!

(And yes again she is sleeveless.... but notice the farmer tan shoulders... I don't do it allll the time... "Once won't hurt" right guys....Just picture the mormon ad with the balloon and the needle going toward it)

that picture of abbey with the wheelbarrow is class-ic!
i bet all the other construction workers were jealous of her mohawk, huh?
You really keep up on my blog. I will for sure post more just because I know you are looking at it. Yer the best! And YES they were jealous!
I look at it too :D ...And have to wonder where Miss Abigail got her hair?!?!?! Makes me think we need to see some pics of 'Benielle as babies' posted on here to really clue us in...
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