Baby Abbey eating her favorite thing in the world, a plum.
I can see some dad in there....

And since we didn't have a baby picture of Danielle we decided to put Abbey's little brother's/ little sister's picture up to see if she looked anything like him/her.

We decided since Kat can have two babies so close together so can we. He/she is due on Ben's Birthday- May 2nd. We just heard the heartbeat today and mommy cried. We are so excited/crazy.

This is so incredibly exciting! Congratulations. Perhaps my relationship with the new baby will be more positive from the outset than the progression that Abby and I have gone through.
hey geebs!!
yay for your little babes! that fetus sure looks cute. and i'd like to see abbey in that amazing sweater of ben's. or the fetus . . . either would do. and what a healthy eater abbey is! james prefers cheetos. deep fried. well, again, yay.
Isn't that sweater amazing! All 4 of the boys in the family have a picture in it. Ben's is the only color one and really stands out when they are all lined up.
Isn't that sweater amazing! All 4 of the boys in the family have a picture in it. Ben's is the only color one and really stands out when they are all lined up.
why did it go on twice?
that is a picture of ben as a baby? it looks like he took that photo yesterday.
seriously. nice sweater, ben.
Great sweater, Ben. I think Dave Matthews had one just like it.
Congrats on the new little one.
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yeah! more insane parents trying to squish 2 babies in less than 2 years! that's great, guys. congrats.
p.s. don't you love the clothes parents picked out for kids back in the day? i used to have to wear purple pants with mustard yellow turtlenecks to school. explains a lot, doesn't it?
Okay, so I guess I'm the last to know you guys are expecting. I just discovered your blog via a link on Brookstina's new blog. Congrats on the new baby!!! Lovely pics--Abbey is an absolute doll!
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