So I spent all this time making Abbey her own 2 layer birthday cake. We were so excited thinking, "She is going to love this! She'll get so messy and finally eat all that sugar we have been holding back on." We thought, "A great opportunity for before and After pictures" We were so wrong. Just look at her face to see what SHE was thinking. I tried everything. I gave her some frosting to taste. She liked it, I guess. Then I took some bites with my face to show her how it is done.
We moved her to the high chair thinking, "She doesn't know she is supposed to eat it" NO luck. Not one bite.
She loved the gifts though. Especially the ones that make noise. She also LOVED the books. Doesn't that say something about how good a mom I am. I mean loving books is not natural. Just think of all the PBS comercials "Read to your child 15 minutes a day.... so you don't feel like a bad parent if your child does poorly in school."

Well mission acomplished. I don't even have to read to her anymore. She does it on her own.

Well she at least likes looking at pictures.