Sunday, February 18, 2007

Daddy daughter time at the icicle, again. Sadly, two punk kids destroyed this winter treat shortly after this picture was taken.

Two peas, with their own individual peas in a pod, in a pod. I guess preganancy really is contagious. Kathy, shown here in orangey red, also has a daughter Abbey's age.
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Winter Wonder Land? You Decide

Perhaps the neighborhoods' most endearing landmark, the Gibbs "saber-tooth icicle"

Our neighbors postmodern masterpiece, which seems to say "I hope you all die and are buried in my front yard"

The homestead
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Monday, February 12, 2007

Notice the body color shirt so you feel like you are seeing my actual belly. Enjoy.

AND notice the halo. This baby is going to be a Saint.
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Growing, Growing, Still Growing!

The mom is still growing. It is getting hard to pick up the 15th month old with this gigantic belly in the way, not to mention the fact that all stomach muscles are no longer in front of my stomach. Well here is the picture you have all been waiting for.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007