Saturday, June 15, 2013

Baby Josephine is Here

I love this photo that Stacey Peterson took. She did our birth video too. She was great!

More importantly, I love this new baby. She is adorable. She is so happy and makes me smile when ever I catch her eye. I cannot be happier. I love all my babies but let's face it, some are easier than others. I've been telling everyone I have "post-partom euphoria." Baby Jo Jo is so easy going and is loved by her sisters. She sleeps 8-10 hours in a row, at night. I was very sick with her pregnancy and now I think I'm getting some pay back. I feel so very blessed!

Saturday, March 02, 2013

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Mermaid Smoothies

They look weird but they taste so good!

Breakfast Mermaid Smoothies

2 bananas
2 spoon fulls of peanut butter
2cups milk
2 cups fresh spinach
1tsp vanilla
Put it all in the blender



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