Thursday, January 29, 2009

Columbus Freeze and BYU Freeze

The first snow started out lots of fun. We played for a while.

The Cuteness of Amelia's first snow was in full force.
Then we had an ice storm with more snow on top. This tree fell down in our neighbor's yard. Fox news even had a news crew there last night.

But Best of All, Grandma Muse came to visit for a few days. Her flight got snowed out and she got to stay for an extra day. We had so much fun. We were so glad she was there for the storm. There were two freezes. The ice storm and the "official BYU job freeze." We found out for sure there would be no BYU this coming year. That's right, a "hiring freeze" really means there will be no hires. My best friend Cathie was very excited to hear the news. There are some benefits to staying in Columbus one more year. But it was sure hard to send my mommy away knowing I wouldn't see her this summer. We love you Teresa!
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