Monday, December 10, 2007

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Do you want to play a game?

As a way to entice Abbey to eat, we told her that her food is people, more specifically family members that want to play in her tummy. This approach has quickly become awkward with Abbey taking more creative license making statements such as "Aunt Melinda tastes yummy" or "I want to eat grandma".

Lately Abbey has been whispering to her food, saying this morning "Do you want to play a game?". She then followed up with the next bean, "Do you want to play a game with music?"
Then, after we asked what kind of exciting game she was referring to, she asked "Do you want to play a game with music, Baby Einstein?" Well, she's happy to eat beans and we are happy she's eating!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

From ABD to ABD

The Gibbs have made the transition from "All But Dad" to "All But Dissertation" and Amelia couldn't possibly be happier!

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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sky Monkey

Sky monkey is on his mission in Houston and his great mom is making a quilt of all his favorite family members for Christmas. Luckily we are nearly missing the deadline. This means we are still on his "favorite family members" list. Close call.

On the phone with mommy, Ben poses with his creation. He actually is way more excited than he looks. As I (danielle) have been stitching the monkey together the past two days, Ben has come to look over my shoulder. I could swear the look on his face was one of longing. A longing to hold a child. Sheer pride. He LOVES this thing. Hopefully we can sneak it away to mail it to Nancy.

And this is just one of the cutest pictures of Milia I've ever taken. So... I had to show her off. She is soooo cute! Even Abbey (who had pretended she didn't have a sister for a long time) will say to Amelia "You're so cute Miliaiaiaiaia."
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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Its Time

David Emile Durkheim "Durk"
Free to a Good Home
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Friday, October 19, 2007

the girls

Abbey: 2yrs................Amelia: 6mths

Amelia: 1mth...................Abbey: 19mths

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Greek "Festivas" for the Rest of Us

Greek Soldier Square Dance

Amelia Looks On

Aunt Becca Crowns Abbey as Ruler of Siblings


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Monday, October 15, 2007

Where, Oh Where Have We Gone?

Slackers! Now I know why parents have millions of pictures of their first born and less for each younger child. These have been crazy busy times. We do have many great pictures to post (Rebecca's Labor Day visit, Kevin's Wedding, Grandma & Grandpa visits) to name a few. We just need to get a second to breathe and the millions of Smiling Hill fans will finally get the fix they have been waiting months for. And there are some CUTE pictures.

Here is a list of a few reasons we have not posted amazing pictures

(or "EXCUSES" as Ms. Berry my elementary teacher, used to say)

lack of sleep

lack of energy

ben's need to study for his major exams

(when am I going to use the computer if he is always on it?)

lack of sleep

ben is studying for his big PhD exams

So I just need to "take responsibility for [myself]." Another Ms. Berryizm.

Can you tell any low self esteem I have, I attribute to Ms. Berry. Every time I fail at something she is there in my mind telling me she was right all along. Anyone else from Cypress elementary have that? Maybe it is just part of my phycosis and sleep deprivation and lack of time with ben becuase he is getting ready for those blasted exams....


Monday, August 20, 2007

New Favorite Things

Abbey's new favorite thing to do is put on Daddy's shoes. She loves to pull them out of the closet (because like me, ben always puts them away) and say "daddy shoes."

Then she likes to say, "up, down, up, down, up...." Is it just me or is that adorable?

Amelia's favorite thing to do is....
cry when I try to create cute settings for pictures.

Wouldn't any kid be totally ecstatic to be surrounded by all her sister's favorite stuffed animals?

Not unlike her sister Abbey at this age, Amelia is quite a serious baby.

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Saturday, July 28, 2007

Sunday, June 03, 2007