Thursday, September 18, 2008


Here we are at the PCC. I went to BYU-Hawaii for a couple of years. The show is done by students paying for their college education. The night show is the best part. My Hale (dorm) was right behind the stage and I used to do my homework/fall asleep to the music of the night show. They did such a great job. I feel so lucky to have gone to school at such an amazing place and to now have returned for a visit. Maybe I can talk Ben into do some sort of Summer sabbatical there in a couple of years....

It was very very windy at Pali Look Out. Ben is wearing a tie if you can't tell!
This is a great place to stop and take a look. No hiking involved. The view so beautiful but the coolest part is the wind.
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  1. Oh, you are SO lucky to have gone to school there. Greg had a presentation on the Big Island and so we went to Oahu for our 4th anniversary 6 years ago and these pictures make me miss it. You guys look like you had a GREAT time!

  2. What a fun place to go! I forgot that you went to school there... unlike us who stuck it out in the cold here in Utah! What a cute couple! Good job! :)

  3. Looks like you had a such a great time! Can't wait to hear more about it!

  4. That picture of Ben is so funny.
    That is so cool you went to school there, what a fun time in your life I am sure!

  5. Hey!
    I have been waiting a while for a new post! : ) We need to get together some time and finish our calenders. Let me know when you have some time.
