Monday, November 10, 2008

Adult book store explodes, why were we there?


  1. Wow, so glad you guys are all alright. Besides, who want to have "died in an adult book store explosion" in their obituary?

  2. all I know is that I have one good analogy for a church talk.

  3. were you guys outside grabbing at magazines, books, and adult toys that were raining down from the explosion? {to keep them away from innocent children who might curiously pick one up, of course}

    p.s. i think you should totally use this story in church to show how satan tries to spread the evils in the world (a literal explosion of pornographic filth)... or you could go the other way and say it exploded because it was an unrighteous place... or you could do both and totally confuse your congregation.

  4. p.p.s. i obviously did not read your previous comment... i'm glad to see that you've already thought of the metaphorical possibilities here... sorry for being redundant.

  5. Man you and Brooke have all the cool experiences together. HOw come nobody invited me to the book store explosion. Man!
