Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Morning

It was an early morning for Amelia. And for mom and dad. Abbey is getting the Santa idea better this year. She went right to bed Christmas eve and woke up early Christmas morning.
Stalkings first! I remember last year Abbey was way into chocolate. This year it was Amelia who wanted the chocolate more than anything. We found her later with half sucked chocolates all over the coffee table and her hands. None left for Abbey. Most had one bite missing (I don't know how you do that with a Hershey's Kiss) or they were sucked on and spit out. Fun fun!

Some one was way excited about the MARACAS but it wasn't Abbey....

After the morning rush was over, the Dora table and a few other items scattered around.
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1 comment:

  1. Katie got the same Elmo and guess what - she was more interested in Ethan's plastic green T-rex dinosaur - go figure! :)
