Thursday, June 18, 2009


Cathie, this is why Utah is beautiful. And this isn't even a good picture of it.
The view of Mt. Timpinogas from Thanksgiving Point Petting Zoo. I must admit, after being at the historical 1880's working farm in Columbus, OH, this is the cleanest petting zoo i have ever seen. Concrete and lush green lawn everywhere.

Grandma Teresa holding up Amelia Teresa. Abbey is back there riding the BIG horse. We had such a great time.

Little T sitting with his dad. And those hammock swings they are sitting in... best invention ever!

Cousins! I was really surprised to see how much this little guy looks like Amelia. They were the same height and running around together I almost thought they could be siblings. Great friends at least. We sure had fun with you guys! See you at the end of the summer. We are moving to Orem, Utah right around the corner from my parent's house! We found a great house that will hopefully be our home for many, many years. More house pictures to come.
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  1. Congratulations you guys! I'm so jealous! I love Utah and you will be near family. How awesome. Hey Ben, Larry and Krista are there, too right? best wishes on closing the house and moving. Things has been super stressful for us, but we hope yours goes a lot better. Can't wait to see pictures!

  2. I can't believe you guys were at Thanksgiving Point (about a 2-minute drive from our house) and we didn't get together! How sad. But we are sure glad to hear you're all moving to Orem. So, I guess we'll have plenty of chances to get together soon. Please let us know if we can help you guys get moved in. We'd love to be of service. How exciting to have PA friends close by again!!!

  3. When you move you should occasionally post some pictures of the mountains for all of us who don't get to ever see them. I miss those mountains so much!!
    Cute pictures of the girls =)

  4. Yes, I will take picutrs of the mountains. The more mt. pics you see the more you will want to come visit. And since you'll be there for the mountains you can visit us at the same time!

    And Yes Lary,
    We will be loving your help moving in. You may want to keep July 31st/ Aug 1st open. I can't wait to go to the Thanksgiving Point again with you guys...

  5. YEAH!!!! I'm so excited! We can now hang out!!!! Let me know when you move and I can come help!!! 801-310-5133

  6. yay! i'm so excited you guys are coming back!
