Monday, May 31, 2010

Midway House

Mom and our family went to the Midway cemetary and had a family reunion of sorts. On the way home we noticed contractors in the front yard of my grandmothers childhood home. With little battery life on my phone, I squeezed in some interesting video of the abandoned inside.

YouTube Video

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. What a cool place! That's great that you were able to document it. Hopefully the contractors have been hired to renovate it and not demolish it.

  2. miranda8:19 PM

    so is this grandma on your moms side im guessing cuz i dont recognize the house? interesting that u guys went to see it tho!

  3. Ben, So my mom looks at my blog and saw the heading of this there. My family is from Heber. She wanted me to find out all the details because she recognized the house.I called Danielle and she told me that is was your grandmothers home. My mom said that our grandmothers were good friends. Small, small world. We are coming to Utah for the month of July so we will see you then. As soon as we get settled in Vegas in the next few months we will make some cruise plans.

    K Sondrup
