Thursday, August 19, 2010

More Yosemite

Talk about professional photo! Nice job Ben with iPhone!
Not too long after this picture was taken Ben, Alex, Uncle Joe, Aunt Melinda and Uncle Dayne hiked to the TOP of this huge rock called Half Dome.

The best family photo we could muster after 5 days camping.

They were so dirty! But so happy. And yes, Amelia is bare foot in the dirt! I don't know how many times we said in response to tears,"You wouldn't have owie feet if you put your shoes on!" Despite the hurt feet they were in heaven. We were lucky enough to get camp sights next to family so they had 5 playmates 24/7 and endless amounts of dirt.
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  1. Anonymous11:43 PM

    In your family picture the only one that looks un-scathed in Mariann! Abbey's hair looks SO stinking long! But it looks like you had a fun time. I'm trying to get my sister and Mom to go camping down in hocking hills this fall! but we may have to leave Leah & Theo behind!

  2. I just got back from Yosemite on my honeymoon! It was fantastic! :)
