Monday, June 04, 2012

Happy 9th Anniversary

Our anniversary fell on a Sunday this year, and lucky for me Ben fell asleep Saturday night at 8. I snuck out of the house to the balloon store. I stole an idea from Pintrest and got a balloon for every year we've been married . Then I attached a photo of us from each year at the bottom. So when he woke up 12 hours later he was surprised to see balloons all over our room. He was visibly touched. It's hard to get to him that way. I was proud. Although touched, he realized he had missed his chance to get me flowers.

His Sundays are full of meetings and visits and there was nothing he could do. He didn't even have a half hour to write a quick love poem. So at 5pm the Young Men and Young Women of our ward started to stop by with flowers. Amazing delegation skills? They had so much fun bringing me flowers from their yards. One guy didn't have flowers so he brought weeds, roots and dirt still attached. I had like 3 bouquets by the end. And a girl brought us a cake at 9. Cutest ever! I love you, Ben!
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1 comment:

  1. I LOVE IT!!! You two are so cute! I'm gonna have to do this for Theo for his birthday!!! It's coming up... 36 balloons...or is it 37?? Crap i guess I need to find out how old he's gonna be! :)
