Thursday, September 27, 2012

Oh Baby!

We were excited to find out IF we were having a baby back in July. After 4 days of early testing, we skipped the dollar store tests and went for the $15 digital. It was more clear....

We were also excited to find out if we would be a family of all daughters.
Four girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Baby Girl Gibbs
due March 11, 2013
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  1. Anonymous12:57 PM

    4 girls is going to be so fun and so much!!!
    Wow!!! Is Ben feeling officially defeated? ;)
    Congrats Gibbs fam... Your girls are darling!

  2. Anonymous12:57 PM

    4 girls is going to be so fun and so much!!!
    Wow!!! Is Ben feeling officially defeated? ;)
    Congrats Gibbs fam... Your girls are darling!

  3. Oh, awesome! I new you were expecting, but didn't hear the sex or the due date. A belated congrats! (And Danielle, I sincerely hope you start to feel better soon!)

  4. I was too tired to read the whole post, so just tell me this; was that first picture a bunch of Nintendo Wii controllers?

  5. Oh also, Kat told me you guys were having ANOTHER girl. Congrats. I'm pretty sure if you buy 3 girls, Obama will give you the 4th one free. So, there's that.
