Monday, March 23, 2009

"Pie"newood Derby 3.14 2009

So am I the only one that never celebrated "Pie" day? March 14th is every nerdy math teachers' favorite day of the year. Apparently our Activities committee is made of nerdy Math teachers. But Pie day is my new favorite day. Just look at all those pies! We also had to tie in our other favorite ward activity and have a Pinewood Derby. There were some super fun cars!

The kids and dads had the night of their lives.
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  1. What no mention of the pie eating contest? I would have thought that would have been the highlight of the night. You tore that pie up! :) Anyone dieing to see you guys with pie on your face can visit our blog!!!

  2. Hey, I am not a nerdy math teacher! it was the first time I had ever celebrated pie day to. =)
    Will you PLEASE email some of the good photos you got today! I have been wanting to post this on my blog and I want to print some pics to put on the bulletin board at church=)

  3. What a fun time! You go girl with your pie eating skills! Hey, I ran into your mom at the temple, it was so fun to see her!
