Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pie Day Part II

The real reason I loved Pie Day.
If you can't tell, these are a few of my favorite "Brothers" at church. If I participated in a pie eating contest then, I could win a chance to throw a pie at one of these guys! After eating 5 pieces of pie from the other delicious pies brought by the wonderful members of our ward, I decided to go for the contest.

Who wouldn't want to throw a pie in this face?! He thought he was so cool, being the MC of the Marble Cliff Pie-newood derby 2009.
So, maybe he is so cool....

So I did it.
We still don't know if Rebecca (Left) or Brother Simmons (a sweet old guy that just got home from his grandpa mission) who smashed my face in the pie. I do know Brother Simmons (the sweet grandpa RM) was whispering trash talk in my ear as I was doing my best to eat pie with my face.

I didn't win BUT I did get to throw a pie at Ben. If you review the picture above, he has the MOST pie in his face!
Here the girls follow the example of their mother.
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