Thursday, April 30, 2009

Happy Easter

We have loved our time in Ohio. We love our neighborhood and we LOVE Spring. It has been so nice to have things be green and sunny again. This Easter was very nice and the girls had the prettiest dresses I've ever seen. Grandma Muse helped us out of course. They had it all, fancy dresses, sweaters with bows, hats, gloves, purses and new sparkle shoes with pink tights. They loved feeling beautiful. Yikes, it was really hard to keep them reverent during our 1pm church. You can dress them up....

But they are still my kids!
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  1. Hi! Rebekah here (remember when we were visiting teaching partners, Danielle and how you used to tease me about my Murder She Wrote book, Ben?) Chris sent me a link to your blog and it's been so fun to catch up! Your girls are beautiful and these spring pictures make me miss Ohio. Hope all is well,


  2. That first picture could be a postcard. Lovely!

  3. They look so girly, I love it!!
    I just love your girls, we are really going to miss you guys.
